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Light and Shadow

AimeDoh in UBUNTU

Concert on November 16th @ 7pm

at Den Breughel - Dorp, 11 - 9470 Denderleeuw

The concert price is 15€. If you would like to support AiméDOH in organizing and paying the various participants (musicians, sound engineer, etc.), you can contribute according to your means. Thank you. There is also the option to donate to Africa Reconciled (, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting women and young people affected by conflicts.


Aimédoh est un citoyen du monde, auteur-compositeur-interprète aux accents poétiques. Originaire de la RDC, ses racines africaines contribuent à un style musical très authentique et chaleureux. Dans ses chansons, il intègre des influences et des impressions des différents pays qu'il a traversés. Si ses compositions portent une nette empreinte africaine, il y a aussi des ouvertures vers des musiques d'ailleurs. Il appelle ce mélange de styles la musique Afro-Soul.

Aimédoh is a world citizen, singer-songwriter with a poetic undertone. Originally from the DRC, his African roots contribute to a very authentic and warm musical style. In his songs, he incorporates influences and impressions from the various countries he has travelled through and lived in. Although his compositions bear a clear African stamp, there are also openings to music from elsewhere. He calls the mix of styles he uses Afro-Soul Music.

aimedoh_concert du 16_11_24.png

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00:00 / 03:51

© by GagaProds

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